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If your company is thinking ahead, then you're almost certainly considering a move to a next-generation network sometime in the near future.

Every business will be affected by the proliferation of this revolutionary style of network infrastructure; those that are able to achieve a trouble-free transition will be on a better footing than those who fumble when the dawn of NGN adoption breaks.

But as you might be guessing, switching from a collection of disparate technologies to a packet-based cohesive system is not something to take lightly. Your company's incorporation of a NGN can be greatly sped up, or slowed down, by choices that you make during the implementation process.

If you're looking to modernize your network infrastructure with maximum efficiency, read on to discover what you need to know before you transfer your business to a NGN.


What is your migration plan?

Success depends on making the switch-over as seamless as possible. The first think you need in order to achieve this is a detailed transition plan. The purpose of this plan will be to guide you through the migration of all the services you wish to retain. You'll need a timetable for the installation of necessary equipment and software, and the de-commissioning of that which is subsequently defunct.

Key to this plan is both knowledge of what the desired result will be, and a thorough understanding of your company's starting point in terms of hardware and your old circuit-based network structure. With your sights on the goal, you'll be able to derive a step-by-step game plan for changing over with a minimum of fuss.


Will your staff know how to operate within the new network?

Having the tools is only one part of the puzzle; one must know how to use them, too. New technology must be planned for from a human resources perspective. When staff lacks the knowledge of how to incorporate new technology into their workflow, daily business could be disrupted for weeks or longer.

For this reason, it's crucial to make time for training. When staff has been briefed fully on the ins and outs of the new change coming to their workplace, you'll find them to be more comfortable and satisfied with the new technological ecosystem.


Is security a priority for your company?

For many office environments, their first forays into computerized systems in the 80's and 90's were marked by a naive approach to security. As time passed and these systems aged, companies became more proactive regarding network security, although too many times it took an intrusion event to spur this.

The same is likely to happen with the adoption of NGNs. But if you make this a priority from the very beginning, you'll be able to bypass the growing pains that many businesses will experience and retain the security consciousness that you've carefully built up over the years.


Do you have a team in place to steer the conversion?

As you can see, moving to a NGN is no simple process. There are certainly ways to reduce the complexity, but the path to a new network infrastructure is littered with pitfalls.

There is one thing you can do to ease your progress, and that's by consulting with a team composed of specialists in NGNs and their construction. By choosing professionals who are experienced in building NGNs, you ensure that the transition proceeds with the least harm to your business.


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